Illinois Lawmakers Release Marijuana Legalization Details
Photo by Desmond Alexander
Article via marijuanamoment.net
According to an 11-page summary of the legislation obtained by Marijuana Moment on Friday, Illinois residents will be allowed to possess 30 grams of cannabis flower, five grams of concentrates and 500 milligrams of THC contained in cannabis-infused products. Non-residents of the state will be able to possess half as much as those amounts during visits.Home cultivation of up to five plants would be allowed under the legislation, which is 522 pages in length.
Legalization is set to take effect on January 1, 2020, with current medical cannabis businesses getting a head start on applying for licenses in the new recreational market. New dispensaries would licensed by May 1, with processors, craft growers and transporters being licensed by July 1. A second wave of businesses would be licensed in late 2021.
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