Ziggy makes TODAY Show appearance, announces two new kids books: ‘My Dog Romeo’ and ‘Little John Crow’
Ziggy sat down with The TODAY Show earlier this morning virtually to announce and discuss the inspirations behind his two new upcoming childrens’ books, My Dog Romeo, out next Tuesday, July 27 (pre-order here), and Little John Crow, out November 2 (pre-order here).
My Dog Romeo is a book for infants and toddlers, illustrated by Ag Jatkowska, that tells the story of love between a boy and his dog. It is an adaptation of the track “My Dog Romeo” from Ziggy’s latest kids album, More Family Time. The book and track were both inspired by the latest addition to Ziggy’s family, Romeo Marley, an Italian water dog (Lagotto Romagnolo) that he bonded with as the two spent every day together during the pandemic. Through all the ups and down of raising a puppy, the love is always there, and it shows through in the book’s beautifully illustrated pages.
Little John Crow is a book for the bigger kids (aged 5-10). It is an original story written by Ziggy and his wife Orly, and was inspired by his own upbringing in Jamaica. The book teaches its readers about the power of perception, the importance of self-pride and pride in your people, and the vital roles we all must play to help maintain the balance of our planet. The gorgeous illustration was done by Gordon Rowe, and presents the book as much a work of art as an inspiratory tale.
Watch the full interview below, and see all of Ziggy’s current and upcoming book releases on our Amazon store.
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